Saturday, 26 May 2012

DotNet Interview Questions 2012

1.What is the difference between VB6 and VB.Net?
2.True or False: A Web service can only be written in .NET?
3.How do you turn off cookies for one page in your site?
4.Where on the Internet would you look for Web services?
5.What should you do to store an object in a Viewstate?
6.What is managed code and managed data?
7.What?s wrong with a line like this ? DateTime.Parse(myString).
8.Why is catch(Exception) almost always a bad idea?
9. What?s the difference between Response.Write() and Response.Output.Write()?
10.How many classes can a single .NET DLL contain?
11.How would one do a deep copy in .NET?
12.Which control cannot be placed in MDI?
13.With respect to security ,which one is the better choice?.Net or J2EE? Explain.
14.What is the root class in .Net ?
15.What is "Common Type System" (CTS)?
16.Briefly explain how server form post-back works (perhaps ask about view state as well).
17.What Is The Difference Between ViewState and SessionState?
18.Advantages of VB.NET?
19.What's ArrayList in .Net (VB.Net or C#) What's the advantageous using ArrayList.
20.What does this do? gacutil /l | find /i ?about?
21.How can you clean up objects holding resources from within the code?
22.How to judge a person for a team if you are allowed to ask only 2 questions to him?
 23.What is early binding and late binding?
 24.Advantages of migrating to VB.NET?
 25.How can i return string by vilating duplicates(inpyt like asdfsda but output should be 2a2d2sf and 2a,2d,2s,f)?

Friday, 25 May 2012

Spring Framework Interview Questions?

1.Explain Spring?
2.What are the different modules in Spring framework?
3.What is Spring Framework?
4.What is the Core container module?
5. What is AOP module?
6. What is Application context module?
7.What is web module?
8. What are object/relational mapping integration module?
9.What is JDBC abstraction and DAO module?
10.What is Application context module?
11.What is a BeanFactory?
12. What is web module?
13.What is XMLBeanFactory?
14.Explain Bean lifecycle in Spring framework?
15.How do add a bean in spring application?
16.How can you override beans default lifecycle methods?
17. What are the different types of bean injections?
18.What are the different types of events related to Listeners?
19.What is a Jointpoint?
20. What are the different advice types in spring?
21.What kind of exceptions those spring DAO classes throw?
22.How can you create a DataSource connection pool?
23.How do you write data to backend in spring using JdbcTemplate?
24.Explain about BatchPreparedStatementSetter?
25.What is a Pointcut?

Thursday, 24 May 2012

What are the new features in C# 2.0?

Support for all of the new framework features such as generics, anonymous methods, partial classes, iterators and static classes. See the .NET FAQ for more on these features.

Delegate inference is a new feature of the C# compiler which makes delegate usage a little simpler. It allows you to write this:

    Thread t = new Thread(ThreadFunc);

Instead Of This:

    Thread t = new Thread( new ThreadStart(ThreadFunc) );

Another minor but welcome addition is the explicit global namespace, which fixes a hole in namespace usage in C# 1.x. You can prefix a type name with global:: to indicate that the type belongs to the global namespace, thus avoiding problems where the compiler infers the namespace and gets it wrong.

Finally C# 2.0 includes some syntactic sugar for the new System.Nullable type. You can use T? as a synonym for System.Nullable<T>, where T is a value type. As suggested by the name, this allows values of the type to be 'null', or 'undefined'.

Does C# support multiple inheritance (MI)?

No, though it does support implementation of multiple interfaces on a single class or struct.

Does C# replace C++?

There are three options open to the Windows developer from a C++ background:
1.Forget C++ and use C#.
2.Stick with standard C++. Don't use .NET at all.
3.Use C++ with .NET. Microsoft supply a .NET C++ compiler that produces IL rather than machine code. (To make full use of the .NET environment (e.g. garbage collection), a set of extensions are required to standard C++, called C++/CLI.)

Each of these options has merits, depending on the developer and the application, but for most general purpose applications C# is a much more productive environment than C++.
Where existing C++ code must be used with a new application, the existing code can be wrapped using C++/CLI to allow it to interop with C#.

What is C#?

C# is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language designed by Microsoft. It is loosely based on C/C++, and is very similar to Java. 

Design Patterns Interview Questions?

1.Factory Design Pattern?
2.Why is the study of patterns important?
3.Builder Design Pattern?
4.Prototype Design Pattern?
5.Singleton Design Pattern?
6.Adapter Design Pattern?
7.What major patterns do the Java APIs utilize?
8.Composite Design Pattern?
9.Decorator Design Pattern?
10.Where can I find good examples of the Prototype pattern?
11.What is a software design pattern?
12.Proxy Design Pattern?
13.How do I document a design pattern?
14.Memento Design Pattern?
15.How do you write a Thread-Safe Singleton?
16.Iterator Design Pattern?
17.COR Design Pattern?
18.Command Design Pattren?
19.State Design Pattern?
20.Strategy Design Pattern?
21.Flyweight Design Pattern?
22.Abstract Factory Design Pattern?
23.Mediator Design Pattern?
24.What is an example of a design pattern?
25.Bridge Design Pattern?
26.What are the differences between analysis patterns and design patterns?
27.Interpreter Design Pattern?
28.What is the Reactor pattern?
29.10.Facade Design Pattern?
30.What are Collaboration Patterns?
31.Can you explain factory pattern?
32.Can you explain builder pattern?
33.Can you explain prototype pattern?
34.Can you explain shallow copy and deep copy in prototype patterns?
35.Can you explain abstract factory pattern?

What is the Unchecked Keyword in C#?

The unchecked keyword is used to control the overflow-checking context for integral-type arithmetic operations and conversions. It can be used as an operator or a statement according to the following forms.
The unchecked statement:
unchecked block
The unchecked operator:
unchecked (expression)
Block:The statement block that contains the expressions to be evaluated in an unchecked context.
Expression:The expression to be evaluated in an unchecked context. Notice that the expression must be in parentheses ( ).

WCF,Silverlight, LINQ, WPF,EF 4.0 and Azure interview Questions?

1.How can we connect databases using SilverLight?
2.What is LINQ and can you explain same with example?
3.Can you explain a simple example of LINQ to SQL?
4.How can we define relationships using LINQ to SQL?
5.How can we optimize LINQ relationships queries using ‘DataLoadOptions’?
6.Can we see a simple example of how we can do CRUD using LINQ to SQL?
7.How can we call a stored procedure using LINQ?
8.What is the need of WPF when we had GDI, GDI+ and DirectX?
9.Can you explain how we can make a simple WPF application?
10.Can you explain the three rendering modes i.e. Tier 0 , Tier 1 and Tier 2?
11.Can you explain the Architecture of WPF?
12.Can we understand Blobs in steps, Tables & Queues ?
13.Can we see a simple example for Azure tables?
14.What is Package and One click deploy(Deployment Part - 1) ?
15.What is Web.config transformation (Deployment Part-2)?
16.What is MEF and how can we implement the same?
17.How is MEF different from DIIOC?
18.Can you show us a simple implementation of MEF in Silverlight ?
19.What is Azure?
20.Can you explain Azure Costing?
21.How can we do debugging and tracing in WCF?
22.Can you explain transactions in WCF (theory)?
23.How can we self host WCF service ?
24.What are the different ways of implementing WCF Security?
25.How can we implement SSL security on WCF(Transport Security)?
26.How can we implement transport security plus message security in WCF ?
27.How can we do WCF instancing ?
28.How Can we do WCF Concurency and throttling?
29.Can you explain the architecture of Silverlight ?
30.Can we see a simple Azure sample program?
31.What are the different steps to create a simple Worker application?
32.Can we understand Blobs in steps, Tables & Queues ?
33.Can we see a simple example for Azure tables?
34.What is Package and One click deploy(Deployment Part - 1) ?
35.What is Web.config transformation (Deployment Part-2)?
36.What is MEF and how can we implement the same?
37.How is MEF different from DIIOC?
38.Can you show us a simple implementation of MEF in Silverlight ?
39.How can we consume WCF service in SilverLight?
40.What is SOA, Services and Messages ?
41.What is the difference between Service and Component?
42.What are basic steps to create a WCF service ?
43.What are endpoints, address, contracts and bindings?
44.What are various ways of hosting WCF service?
45.What is the difference of hosting a WCF service on IIS and Self hosting?
46.What is the difference between BasicHttpBinding and WsHttpBinding?
47.What are the basic things needed to make a silverlight application ?
48.How can we do transformations in SilverLight ?
49.Can you explain animation fundamentals in SilverLight?
50.What are the different layout methodologies in SilverLight?

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Differences Between ASP And ASP Dotnet

ASP.NET new feature supports are as follows:-

Better Language Support

New ADO.NET Concepts have been implemented.

ASP.NET supports full language (C#, VB.NET, C++) and not simple scripting like VBSCRIPT...

Better controls than ASP

ASP.NET covers large sets of HTML controls..

Better Display grid like Data grid, Repeater and datalist.Many of the display grid havpaging support.

ASP.NET supports forms-based user authentication, including cookie management and automatic redirecting of unauthorized logins. (You can still do your custom login page and custom user checking).

Better Authentication Support

ASP.NET supports forms-based user authentication, including cookie management and automatic redirecting of unauthorized logins. (You can still do your custom login page and custom user checking).

User Accounts and Roles

ASP.NET allows for user accounts and roles, to give each user (with a given role) access to different server code and executables.

High Scalability

Much has been done with ASP.NET to provide greater scalability.

Controls have events support

All ASP.NET controls support events.

Load, Click, and Change events handled by code makes coding much simpler and much better organized.

Compiled Code

Server to server communication has been greatly enhanced, making it possible to scale an application over several servers. One example of this is the ability to run XML parsers, XSL transformations, and even resource hungry session objects on other servers.

Easy Configuration

Configuration of ASP.NET is done with plain text files.

Configuration files can be uploaded or changed while the application is running. No need to restart the server. No more metabase or registry puzzle.

Easy Deployment

No more server restart to deploy or replace compiled code. ASP.NET simply redirects all new requests to the new code.

What’s New for ASP.NET 4.5 and Web Development in Visual Studio 11 Beta

The .NET Framework 4.5 Beta includes enhancements for ASP.NET 4.5 Beta. Visual Studio 11 Beta also includes enhancements and new features for improved web development.
 This document provides an overview of many of the new features that are included in the Beta release.

1.ASP.NET Core Services

2.ASP.NET Web Forms

3.Related Technologies Available Separately

4.Editor Enhancements

5.Data-Related Enhancements

6.Web Application Deployment Enhancements

7.Multi-Version Support

8.IIS Express

9.Additional Resources

Connection string syntax in ASP.NET

For Windows Authenication:

     <Add Name="ConnectionStringName"

For SQL Server Authenication:
<Add Name="ConnectionStringName
"ConnectionString="Server=localhost or IP Adress;
Database=dbname;uid=sql server username;
Pwd=sql server user password"
Provider Name="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

How to ask questions in TechNet forum

1. Selecting a good title which summarizes the specific problem you have. It will be the one of the main driving forces for others to want to actually read your item.
Choosing a badly-formatted title will drive people away, thinking that since the title is so badly written, so must be the information and the question within the thread.

2. Provide all the necessary information in your initial post. The following information would be very helpful:
- Symptom description: Detailed description of the problem. If you receive any error messages, please let us know the exact error WORD BY WORD.
- Environment: The system environment, such as your OS/application version, your network topology, and your domain environment, etc.
- Any recent relevant configuration change(s): If the issue started to occur after installing any application/updates or changing the configuration, please let us know.

3. Write in a clear language. Avoiding spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. Don't type IN ALL CAPS, which in most cases is read as shouting and considered rude.

4. Keep with the same thread. Do not refer to a post you made last year, and above all, Please come back.
There are  thousands of posts where we have seen people given great and wonderfully long answers yet no reply from the original poster.

5. Be courteous to reply, even if it's to say. "I've given up" or thanks that worked. This helps the whole community when you do this, and makes the people who donate time, warm and fuzzies.

Monday, 21 May 2012

Elaborate project life cycle?

So here is a simplified answer we have put in front with a diagram so that you can learn in a more easier manner.

Figure: - Life cycle of a project

There are five stages of any project initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closeout. These are general phases and change according to domain. Example when writing a book we will have the following mappings initiating (contacting publishers, getting copy right etc), planning (Table of contents of book, Number of chapters, tool to use, chapter wise deadlines etc), executing (Actually writing the book), controlling (proof reading, language checks, page alignments etc), and closeout (Finally printing and on the shelf for sale). Therefore, this classification is at very broader level, for software development the above figure shows the mapping.
During Software project management interview, expected answer is requirement phase, design phase, coding phase, testing phase, and project closure. But you can just impress the answer by giving a general answer and then showing the mapping.                                           

Object Pooling in Dotnet

COM+ reduces overhead by not creating object from scratch. So in COM+ when object is activated its activated, from pool and when it has deactivated its pushed back to the pool. Object pooling is configures by using the ObjectPoolingAttribute to the class.

Note:- When a class is marked with object pooling attribute it can not be inherited.

ObjectPooling(MinPoolSize := 2, MaxPoolSize := 5, CreationTimeout :=
20000)> _
Public Class testingclass
Inherits ServicedComponent
Public Sub DoWork()
' Method contents go here.
End Sub
End Class

Above is a sample code, which has the Object Pooling attribute defined. Below is a sample code, which uses the class.

Public Class App
Overloads Public Shared Sub Main(args() As String)
Dim xyz As New TestObjectPooling()
ServicedComponent.DisposeObject (xyz)
End Sub
End Class

Above is a sample code, which uses the object pooled object. Note the Dispose Object () This ensures its safe return to the object pool.

Differences between Server,Transfer and response.Redirect ?

Following are the major differences between them:-

Response. Redirect sends message to the browser saying it to move to some different page, while server. Transfer does not send any message to the browser but rather redirects the user directly from the server itself. So in server. Transfer there is no round trip while response. Redirect has a round trip and hence puts a load on server.

Using Server. Transfer you cannot redirect to a different from the server itself. Example if your server is you cannot use server. Transfer to move to but yes, you can move to, i.e. with in websites. Cross server redirect is possible only by using Response. Redirect.

With server. Transfer you can preserve your information. It has a parameter called as preserveForm.Therefore, the existing query string etc. will be able in the calling page.

If you are navigating within the same website use Server. Transfer or else go for response.Redirect ()

Basic .NET, ASP.NET, OOPS & SQL Server Interview Questions

1.Define Interface & What is the diff. between abstract & interface?
2.What problem does Delegate Solve ?
3.What is a Multicast delegate ?
4.What are events and what's the difference between delegates and events?
5.How can we make Asynchronous method calls using delegates ?
6.What is a stack, Heap, Value types and Reference types ?
7.What is boxing and unboxing ?
8.Can you explain ASP.NET application and Page life cycle ?
9.What is Authentication, Authorization, Principal & Identity objects?
10.How can we do Inproc and outProc session management ?
11.How can we windows , forms and passport authentication and authorization in ASP.NET ?
12.In a parent child relationship which constructor fires first ?
13.What is IL code, CLR, CTS, GAC & GC?
14.How can we do Assembly versioning?
15.can you explain how ASP.NET application life cycle and page life cycle events fire?
16.What is the problem with Functional Programming?
17.Can you define OOP and the 4 principles of OOP?
18.What are Classes and Objects?
19.What is Inheritance?
20.What is Polymorphism, overloading, overriding and virtual?

Sunday, 20 May 2012

JQuery Interview Questions

1.What is JQuery? Why we have to use JQuery for our applications?
2.Write any sample program using JQuery?
3.What is CDN for JQuery? If CDN will fail, how to handle JQuery file?
4.Zoom image using JQuery example&
How to zoom image using JQuery animate function (or) mouseover and mouseout?
5.Image movement using JQuery Example using animate, mouseover and mouseout functions?
6.How to split text or string in JQuery using split() function with an example in ASP.NET?
7.How to refresh/reload part of page using Javascript or JQuery in ASP.NET?
8.What is the use of jQuery.NoConflict with example?
9.How to disable button using JQuery with Example?
10.When JQuery ready event will fire?
11.How to execute jQuery code after the browser window is completely loaded?
12.what is JQuery core?
13.what is th use of .pushStack()in jquery?
14.what is delegate method in JQuery? how to use it?
15.How to use class divison and other html tag using JQuery in the selectors?
16.How to do ajax call using JQuery? how to get sever response for AJAX call using JQuery?
17.What are the AJAX functions in JQuery? to get query string values using JQuery?
19.How to get data of particular element of JQuery?
20.How to get the text value of a selected option?

21.How to do email validation using jquery?
22.Using regular expressions how to validate numeric text box using jquery?
23.How to validate text box is empty of not using jquery?
24.How to validate character count of text box using jquery?
25.What is jquery .connect?

C Data Structures Interview Questions And Answers For Freshers

1.How can I find the number of possible tree in the given tree?

(A) Number of possible tree = (2 power of n) – n

2. What is Hashing?

(A) Hashing is a technique to retrieve records from memory quickly.

3. What is difference between linear and non linear data structures?

(A) Linear data structures are data structures whose data are in linear. eg: Arrays

Non linear are data structures whose data are non linear format. eg: Trees

4. List the notations used in Evaluation of Arithmetic Expressions using prefix and postfix forms?

(A) Polish and Reverse Polish notations.

5. Can I use Selection method to for sorting?

(A) Yes, Selection method is used for Selection sort.

6. When I can call it complete Binary Tree?

(A) It is said to be complete when each node that has a right child also has a left child. Having a left child does not require a node to have a right child. Alternate Binary tree is a tree where their is always a left node for right node but may be may not be right node for left node.

7. What is AVL tree?

(A) AVL tree is self balancing tree, in which balancing factor lie between the -1 to 1.

Testing Loadrunner Interview Questions For Freshers

1.what is loadrunner?

2. what is vugen?

3.what is controller?

4. what is analysis?

5. what is transaction points?

6. what is correlation? what is the importance of correlation and where we have to use that?

7.what is response time?

8. what is thinktime?

9.what is pacingtime?

10. what is the difference between thinktime and pacingtime?

11. what is web_reg_save_param? and where we are using that functions?

12. what is web_reg_find?

13. what are the clientside metrics and serverside metrics?

14.what are the components of loadrunner?

15. what is scripting? and what is the purpose of scripting?

16. what is tps and hits per second?

17. what are the properties of paramater?

18.Can you explain some lr_functions?

19. What is bottleneck?and explain some causes of bottlenecks?

20. What is scenario?

(Q) What is goal oriented scenario?

(Q) What is real world scenario?

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Telephonic Interview Questions And Answers For Freshers FAQs

Most of the companies are taking phone interview prior to personal interview. So that they can save time and shortlist the best candidate. If you are fresher then you need to prepare for telephonic interview before you give one.

Telephonic interview is conducted just like in-person interviews. Hiring manager or recruiters call to screen candidates for employment. It is very important that you take time and prepare yourself for phone interview. In this article I will give few frequently asked telephonic interview questions.

(Q) Tell me about yourself?

(A) Prepare yourself for this question before interview. And be clear so that hiring manager can hear you.

(Q) What interests you about this job?

(A) The best way to respond is to describe you qualification listed in the job posting.

(Q)Why do you want this job?

(A) This is not only a fine opportunity, but this company is a place where my qualifications can make a difference.

(Q) Are you willing to travel?

(A) Yes if you can.

(Q) Is there anything I haven’t told you about the job or company that you would like to know?

(A) Take this chance to ask anything that you want to know about the job, don`t hesitate.

Here are few more tips while telephonic interview

Prepare for phone interview by collecting necessary information.
Be sure that your mobile service provider is good.
Turn of call waiting option in your mobile
If you are in busy place try to get in private space
Focus and listen to interviewer carefully
Pay attention and speak confidently


set {
   MyField = value;
 public event EventHandler MyEvent;
 public int this[int index] {
  get {
   return 0;
  set {
   Console.WriteLine("this[{0}] = {1}", index, value);
 public static MyClass operator+(MyClass a, MyClass b) {
  return new MyClass(a.MyField + b.MyField);
 public MyClass() {
  Console.WriteLine("Instance constructor");
 public MyClass(int value) {
  MyField = value;
  Console.WriteLine("Instance constructor");
 ~MyClass() {
 static MyClass() {
  MyStaticField *= 2;
  Console.WriteLine("Static constructor");
 internal class MyNestedClass
shows a class that contains each kind of member. The example
class Test
 static void Main() {
  // Instance constructor usage
  MyClass a = new MyClass();
  MyClass b = new MyClass(123);
  // Constant usage
  Console.WriteLine("MyConst = {0}", MyClass.MyConst);
  // Field usage
  Console.WriteLine("a.MyField = {0}", a.MyField);
  // Method usage
  // Property usage
  Console.WriteLine("a.MyProperty = {0}", a.MyProperty);
  // Indexer usage
  a[3] = a[1] = a[2];
  Console.WriteLine("a[3] = {0}", a[3]);
  // Event usage
  a.MyEvent += new EventHandler(MyHandler);
  // Overloaded operator usage
  MyClass c = a + b;

// Nested type usage
  MyClass.MyNestedClass d = new MyClass.MyNestedClass();
 static void MyHandler(object sender, EventArgs e) {
shows uses of these members

Decimal comparison operators

The predefined decimal comparison operators are:
bool operator ==(decimal x, decimal y);
bool operator !=(decimal x, decimal y);
bool operator <(decimal x, decimal y);
bool operator >(decimal x, decimal y);
bool operator <=(decimal x, decimal y);
bool operator >=(decimal x, decimal y);
Each of these operators compares the numeric values of the two decimal operands and returns a bool value
that indicates whether the particular relation is true or false. Each decimal comparison is equivalent to
using the corresponding relational or equality operator of type System.Decimal.
Lifted (§14.2.7) forms of the unlifted predefined decimal comparison operators defined above are also predefined.

Floating-point comparison operators

The predefined floating-point comparison operators are:
bool operator ==(float x, float y);
bool operator ==(double x, double y);
bool operator !=(float x, float y);
bool operator !=(double x, double y);
bool operator <(float x, float y);
bool operator <(double x, double y);
bool operator >(float x, float y);
bool operator >(double x, double y);
bool operator <=(float x, float y);
bool operator <=(double x, double y);
bool operator >=(float x, float y);
bool operator >=(double x, double y);
The operators compare the operands according to the rules of the IEC 60559 standard:
If either operand is NaN, the result is false for all operators except !=, for which the result is true. For
any two operands, x != y always produces the same result as !(x == y). However, when one or both
operands are NaN, the <, >, <=, and >= operators do not produce the same results as the logical negation of
the opposite operator. [Example: If either of x and y is NaN, then x < y is false, but !(x >= y) is true.
end example]
• When neither operand is NaN, the operators compare the values of the two floating-point operands with
respect to the ordering
–∞ < –max < … < –min < –0.0 == +0.0 < +min < … < +max < +∞
where min and max are the smallest and largest positive finite values that can be represented in the given
floating-point format. Notable effects of this ordering are:
o Negative and positive zeros are considered equal.
o A negative infinity is considered less than all other values, but equal to another negative infinity.
o A positive infinity is considered greater than all other values, but equal to another positive infinity.
Lifted (§14.2.7) forms of the unlifted predefined floating-point comparison operators defined above are also predefined.

Relational and type-testing operators

The ==, !=,  <, >, <=, >=, is and as operators are called the relational and type-testing operators.
relational-expression   <   shift-expression
relational-expression   >   shift-expression
relational-expression   <=   shift-expression
relational-expression   >=   shift-expression
relational-expression   is   type
relational-expression   as   type
equality-expression   ==   relational-expression
equality-expression   !=   relational-expression
The is operator is described in §14.9.10 and the as operator is described in §14.9.11.
The ==, !=, <, >, <= and >= operators are comparison operators. For an operation of the form x op y, where
op is a comparison operator, overload resolution (§14.2.4) is applied to select a specific operator
implementation. The operands are converted to the parameter types of the selected operator, and the type of
the result is the return type of the operator. If both operands of an equality-expression have the null type
(§11.2.7) (and hence the null value as well), then overload resolution is not performed and the expression
evaluates to a constant value of true or false according to whether the operator is == or !=.

Tell About Yourself In Interview For Freshers With Answers

This is the very first question asked to you when you go for interview. These few words about you can put on the spot in a way no question can. Many of you lose control of the interview for first 5 minutes. This is not the time to give the interviewer a lengthy history and take into other direction. Here are few important tips for freshers to answer “Tell about yourself”

Make sure that you talk more on the interesting and skills required for the position you applied in this company.
Respond to this question has a commercial question that sells your autobiography.
Answer the question which is expected to ask like what is your goal, where you took training, your studies and where you grew up etc..
Prepare yourself that you will answer this in 60sec highlighting interest, your skills and strength.
Concentrate more on your common theme related to your skills and strength required for this job.
Here is a sample Tell me about you answer

“I was born in Hydrebad,  and attended Lincoln High School. Ever since I was a teenager, I tinkered with computers. It was my hobby, my passion, and my way of learning. Like most kids I enjoyed computer games. When my folks gave me a computer as a reward for making honor roll my sophomore year, I mastered DOS, Windows, and WordPerfect within six months. I then went on to teach myself programming basics. By the time I graduated high school, I knew I wanted to study programming. “

Disguise strength as a weakness. Tell weakness in a positive way.
Your main strategy is to make feel your interviewer that you can complete this job on time. So go ahead and give your qualities.
These were few things how you can face interview, but do you know what actually interviewer wants from you? Here are few points listed.

A proven record that shows you as an achiever.
Intelligence, honesty, integrity, dedication towards work, working overtime when needed.
Being social is also needed.
With all these important thing is communication with confident.


1.What is difference between linear and non linear data structures?

(A) Linear data structures are data structures whose data are in linear. eg: Arrays

Non linear are data structures whose data are non linear format. eg: Trees

2. List the notations used in Evaluation of Arithmetic Expressions using prefix and postfix forms?

(A) Polish and Reverse Polish notations.

3. Can I use Selection method to for sorting?

(A) Yes, Selection method is used for Selection sort.

4.When I can call it complete Binary Tree?

(A) It is said to be complete when each node that has a right child also has a left child. Having a left child does not require a node to have a right child. Alternate Binary tree is a tree where their is always a left node for right node but may be may not be right node for left node.

5.How can I find the number of possible tree in the given tree?

(A) Number of possible tree = (2 power of n) – n

6.What is Hashing?

(A) Hashing is a technique to retrieve records from memory quickly.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

SQL Interview questions & answers

1. Which is the subset of SQL commands used to manipulate Oracle Database structures, including tables?
Data Definition Language (DDL)

2. What operator performs pattern matching?
 LIKE operator

3. What operator tests column for the absence of data?
IS NULL operator

4. Which command executes the contents of a specified file?
START <filename> or @<filename>

5. What is the parameter substitution symbol used with INSERT INTO command?

6. Which command displays the SQL command in the SQL buffer, and then executes it?

7. What are the wildcards used for pattern matching?
_ for single character substitution and % for multi-character substitution

8. State true or false. EXISTS, SOME, ANY are operators in SQL.

9. State true or false. !=, <>, ^= all denote the same operation.

10. What are the privileges that can be granted on a table by a user to others?
Insert, update, delete, select, references, index, execute, alter, all

11. What is the difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE commands?
TRUNCATE is a DDL command whereas DELETE is a DML command. Hence DELETE operation can be rolled back, but TRUNCATE operation cannot be rolled back. WHERE clause can be used with DELETE and not with TRUNCATE.

12. What command is used to get back the privileges offered by the GRANT command?

13. Which system tables contain information on privileges granted and privileges obtained?

14. Which system table contains information on constraints on all the tables created?

Will the outputs of the above two commands differ?
Both will result in deleting all the rows in the table EMP.

16.What is Common Table Expression in SQL Server? Where do u use this?

17.What are DML, DCL, TCL and DDL statements in SQL Server? Explain briefly with an example?
18.What is mean by transaction in SQL Server?
19.What are difference between stored procedure and functions?
20.What are Max number of columns allows per table in SQL Server?
21.Sql stored procedures performance tuning tips and tricks?
22.What is Cascading referential integrity constraint?
23.SQL Query performance tips and tricks?
24.Difference between Primary key and unique key?
25.How many types of indexes are there in SQL Server?
26.What is SQL Server paging?
27.A table can have indexes. So, what are possibilities are there for tables?
28.Difference between #tempTable,##tempTable,@tableName?
29.Query for column values by comma separated in Sql Server?
30.Types of Joins in SQL Server? What are link between Common Table Expression and SQL Server?
31.What is sub query? How many types of sub queries are there in SQL Server?
32.What are the differences between drop, delete and truncate statements in SQL Server?
33.What are different types of temp tables in the SQL Server?
34.What is difference between clustered index and non clustered index in sql server?
35.What is mean by Cascading referential integrity constraint?

dotnet interview quetions & answers

1.Differences between DLL and EXE?
     dot exe
1.These are outbound file.
2.Only one dotexe file exists per application.
3. .Exe cannot be shared with other applications.

dot dll
1.These are inbund file .
2.Many dotdll files may exists in one application.
3. dotdll can be shared with other applications.

2.Can an assembly have EXE?

Assembly is nothing but single deployment and self describing. Yes Assembly can have dll/exe.

3.Compare & contrast rich client (smart clients or Windows-based) & browser-based Web application ?

 When implementing a client/server architecture you need to determine if it will be the client or the server that handles the bulk of the workload. By client, we mean the application that runs on a PC or workstation and relies on a server to perform some operations.In last week’s Did You Know article we discussed the differences between thick clients (also called fat clients) and thin clients in terms of hardware. The terms thick client and thin client, however, have double meanings, as thick and thin also are used to describe the applications or software. In this article we take a look at the terms thick and thin as related to client application software.

4.Can a DLL be changed to an EXE?

In short, the answer is no. Unlike an EXE file which contains a single entry point (typically WinMain() or simply main() depending on the type of exe file), a DLL file is a library of functions intended to be linked into a running application. A DLL file can have a nearly infinite (it’s based on file size and such) possible entry points.

5.Can a try block have more than one catch block?

Yes, It can have as many as you want. It allows you to catch very specific exceptions.

6.Compare Client server application with n-Tier application?

All web applications are N-Tier architectures. An N-Tier architecture is really a Client-Server architecture combined with the Layered architecture. The reason why I combine Client-Server and N-Tier here is because they are very much related.A Client-Server system is one in which the server performs some kind of service that is used by many clients. The clients take the lead in the communication. The basic Client-Server architecture has 2 tiers (Client and Server).

7.Can a try block have nested try blocks?

Yes perfectly legal, but not always it is useful.

8.How do you load an assembly at runtime?

Here is the sample code, hope it will help
Loader.AssemblyLoader assLoader = null;
object[] parms = { AssemblyName }; // string AssebmlyName

assLoader = (Loader.AssemblyLoader)domain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(“yourAssemply.dll”, “Loader.AssemblyLoader”, true, bindings, null, parms,null, null, null);

9.How do you view the methods and members of a DLL?

Go to visual studio 2003/2005 command prompt and type “ildasm”. It will open a window. In that window load ur dll, it will show all the methods and members.

10.What is shadowing?

Shadowing is either through scope or through inheritance. Shadowing through inheritance is hiding a method of a base class and providing a new implementation for the same. This is the default when a derived class writes an implementation of a method of base class which is not declared as overridden in the base class. This also serves the purpose of protecting an implementation of a new method against subsequent addition of a method with the same name in the base class.’shadows’ keyword is recommended although not necessary since it is the default.